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BEPRO – successful also in 2012

Nov 2012

Gelsenkirchen. In 2012 BEPRO Blech und Profilstahl Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG which is domiciled in Gelsenkirchen was able to sustain its position well even in a difficult market environment. Despite the present market situation being characterized by problems and uncertainties the company achieved an orderly operational result.

In those markets in which BEPRO foresees special risks because of the market development the steel trader reduced his business activities and put security and risk procurement before further business volume.

BEPRO sold this year its premises In Essen and will concentrate its stock capacities in Gelsenkirchen-Bismarck. After completion of the construction work BEPRO will be the owner of more than 30.000 m² storage areas and some 900 m² office space. Thus the customers can be offered a higher degree of operating efficiency, service, customer orientation and an improved material availability.

In order to keep its excellent reputation as flexible expert in steel specialities BEPRO is planning to enlarge its product and storage range by adding additional products. The customers shall also in future find with BEPRO what they can find elsewhere only difficult or not at all.

Due to the economic slowdown and the falling prices it cannot be excluded that within the next years a market adjustment or structural change or even a thinning in the sectors of production or trade may occur. Nevertheless, despite the restricted economy BEPRO remains optimistic in respect of the own market chances as a medium sized company nationally and internationally in the years to come. The company remains well positioned and shall grow further when the smiles again over and above for the steel business and the market will revive. BEPROs target, to sell annually more than 100.000 tons of steel products, shall then become reality.

BEPRO Blech und Profilstahl Handelsges. mbH & Co. KG
45889 Gelsenkirchen,
Ahlmannshof 5
Telefon:  +49 209 98251-10